Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Ryanair training

A quick flight down to Marseille to do some running and swimming along the Côte d'Azur; £70.

A nice hotel to relax by the pool; € many.

Finding out that running in 30 degree heat is going to be very, very painful; € %£$&*$€

I would normally drink a few sips of water very 25 to 30 minutes when running about in Scotland. I was drinking a good few gulps every 5 to 8 minutes in France. I ended up consuming 500ml every 30 minutes and that was with enforced rationing, as I simply couldn't carry enough with me, nor could I have guessed that I'd go through so much. I could easily have drunk at least double that amount. The hot air dries your throat and leaves you breathless almost immediately. My only wish now is that the Ironman France run is at least partly in shade. Or that it's pishing it down with rain the whole cycle and run, which will be very reminiscent of training at home.

Current weight is 13 stones 4 pounds (186 pounds / 84.4 kg).

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Cycle training

My cycle training has been severely lacking. Considering this is the longest part of Ironman, I'm thinking I should have concentrated harder on this discipline.

Or should I?

The Editor called tonight with a request for me to photograph the rather large hole in the ground that caused him to take another tumble from his bike. "Tonight would be best, since the council might fill it in first thing." The verdict of injury severity is not yet in.

This comes right on the heels of another cycling injury that caused a dramatic separation of the collar bone.

I'm wondering if my lack of miles is actually saving me from injury, or if The Editor should just avoid Auchterarder entirely.

Current weight is 13 stones 4 pounds (186 pounds / 84.4 kg).

Half Marathon warm up

Cycling around The Path of Condie from Kinross is not a "normal" person's idea of a suitable warm up to a half marathon. But it fairly gets the legs going. About 1 hour and 10 minutes of uphill, with 10 minutes of all to brisk downhill thrown in. For those who do not cycle, that means it's hilly, and the hills are steep!

8 minutes after the cycling stopped, the starting buzzer buzzed loudly to begin the half marathon. I finished in 1 hour and 37 mins, which is a new personal best; my only previous half attempts being the Heaven and Hell event, completed just over a month ago in 1 hour and 41 mins and the Buchlivie half completed last November in 1 hour and 44 mins.

I wonder if I could have beaten E.H.'s time of 1 hour 31 had I started with fresh legs? Actually, I wonder if E.H. had been cycling herself before the running? I'll never know, since communication is all but non-existent unless she is gloating when running or cycling past me.

The official Ironman France liquid fuel arrived just in time to experiment with during the day's activities. If goal was to make a salty drink taste bland, then the manufacturers have skillfully succeeded. But I'm pleased to say that it seems to stave off hunger and supply the body with energy. Just as well, because it cost me nearly £50 for the privilege.

Current weight is 13 stones 4 pounds (186 pounds / 84.4 kg).

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Medical attention required on Bute

It turned out to be pretty warm and sunny on Bute after the morning's cold rain showers had thankfully moved on to annoy someone else.

The pre-race discussion revolved, as usual, around The Editor's theory of Natural Weakness and how he is predisposed to losing the forthcoming race. Actually, it's quite surprising that we even have time to discuss anything going by the number of trips we alternately make to the bathroom during the free time between registration and start.

The swim was pretty good. I managed to practice drafting for the first 20 lengths.

The cycle went well, having a nice pink Lycra clad lady to chase. It turns out she was the fastest female, so I was delighted to have overtaken her.

The run was utterly hellish. My mind was only taken off the excruciating pain in my lower back because my ankles were causing a greater amount of pain almost immediately. But there was no time to stop and check what was happening in case The Editor went past, laughing manically.

After crossing the finish line in a very respectable time of 1 hr 13 mins and 36 seconds, I wish I had taken the 8 seconds per foot time penalty of putting on socks in T1. I kicked off my bloodied shoes to reveal broken, bleeding blisters on the outside of my both ankles. By no means did they resemble any kind of severe war wound, but the obligatory event first aiders made a beeline straight for me as they were obviously extremely bored not dealing with the other 100 fittest people on Bute that day. After spending around 5 minutes discussing the state of my blisters, I agreed to take 2 sticking plasters to apply to the wounds after my shower; I was getting a little bored of the technicalities of blister treatments by this point.

The shower itself was extremely interesting, conducted as it was in full view of the spectator's gallery, with a massed crowed enjoying the post race buffet. It's certainly unusual to be holding a rational converstaion with a similarly Lycra clad female stranger under the immediately adjacent showerhead whilst cleaning your bits inside your shorts. Although the experience was not unpleasant.

The best bit? It was without doubt the post race treats consisting of ample Scotch pie and the World's Best angel cakes made with the most yummy jam.

Current weight is 13 stones 6 pounds (188 pounds / 85.3 kg), but I've been eating out for the past 4 days and nights.

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