Friday 13 June 2008

Unlucky for some

Aided by this month's "Swim the Channel Challenge" comprising swimming 22 miles during the month of June, which is compressed into the just-below-boredom-threshold of 200 lengths every other night, my resting heart rate has fallen to 40 bpm. I was half way though giving myself a congratulatory pat on the back until Google informed me that Lance Armstrong's resting heart rate was 32. There's always one, isn't there.

The reason for the "unlucky" title? Triskaidekaphobics should look away now:

Current weight is 13 stones 13 pounds (195 pounds / 88.5 kg).

If you further suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia then you really shouldn't be reading this in the first place.


The Editor said...

I don't know how you can be arsed.

When's the next Triathlon?

The Incredible Bulk said...

Simple bribery - there are prizes up for grabs.

Plans for further Triathlons are on hold to make way for running around the hills. Someone actually accused me of showing off last Saturday on a blast up Schiehallion.

The Editor said...

You could be up for this:

requires team of two

The Incredible Bulk said...

Can you get your hands on a couple of Kayaks? If so, count me in! I do half of that stuff every weekend anyway.


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