Sunday 1 March 2009

Can I have a new lower back?

I went on a cycle today. 105.5 km later, I've decided that I like my bicycle, but that my bicycle doesn't like my lower back. I certainly wouldn't want to run a marathon right now, that's for sure, and I only completed just over half the Ironman cycle distance. On a positive note, the pace puts me on a sub 8 hour cycle and doesn't rule out the possibility of crossing the finish line in 12.5 hours.

My double dinner last night, followed by snacking on an entire packet of chocolate fingers and a 100g bar of chocolate certainly gave me enough energy for the trip, and my triple dinner tonight has helped restock the muscles.

I'm really quite astonished that my body can process the quantities of food that are being shoveled in.

Current weight is 13 stones 2 pounds (184 pounds / 83.5 kg).

1 comment:

The Editor said...

perfectly adapted for becoming a fat bastard


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