Sunday 1 June 2008

Czech Republic beware

The official Sprint Triathlon times will be available in a few days, but to summarise:

1) Swim time was fantastic. Much better than expected.
2) Bicycle time was shocking.
3) Run time was merely OK.

Note 1) Despite the swim warm up time being reduced to 40 seconds, I managed to lap everyone at least once and a couple of them twice.

Note 2) The bike time wasn't helped by having to dismount and put the chain back on after 8k. Nor was it helped by using a bicycle designed before the last great war. I knew I should have removed the rear parcel carrier to save weight. Thankfully the perished (and flat) rubber tyres were spotted yesterday, in time for replacements to be purchased.

Note 3) The run time was slow for a stand alone event, but OK considering what came before.

I'm not disappointed. I put in a full effort, completing the course respectably and giving notable grief to my gluteus maximus during the cycle. Either that or I was sitting funnily. Unofficially, my time was 1 hour, 26 minutes and 05 seconds.

But I'm not elated either. I had hoped for an overall sub 1 hour 25 time to beat The Editors previous PB. I wouldn't have come close to his new PB time set today.

I fear he won't stop at Poland.

Current weight is 14 stones 4 pounds (200 pounds / 90.7 kg).


The Editor said...

results out now but why do they end up about a minujte longer?:

The Incredible Bulk said...

I see the T1 time is added to the swim time, but some bugger has given me a minute time penalty in the running. No idea why. I'm going to shoe someone in a minute.

The Editor said...

yes but mine's a minute longer too

The Incredible Bulk said...

I'm awaiting an official response .......

The Editor said...

I think it was a penalty for running through that second gate at the bottom of the hill which was a new feature and a bit confusing.

The Incredible Bulk said...

Well, the organisers shouldn't penalise anything that's "open to interpretation". It's their job to do all the thinking on the day. You need more than a 1:20000 scale map to accurately know which gate to run through, or which bit of grass to go around!

The Incredible Bulk said...

Official response so far ...

Unfortunately as the timing was done by a 3rd party, we are in their hands in terms of these provisional times that have been given.

I'd ask you to wait until we have been provided with the finalised times from this company, you are not the only one to make this comment, therefore I would be expecting the finalised times to be different.


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