Tuesday 17 June 2008

No sweat

Well, quite a lot of sweat actually.

Tonight's training session kicked off with some running on the treadmill, something which I haven't done for a while. I was feeling quite the part in my new running tights. Then straight in to weighted squats to focus on leg strength. I was quite happy with the lack of projectile sweating from the head at this point, right up until Kristy pointed out the sweat stripe across my shoulders and all the way down my spine. Upon reflection in the mirror, I looked like a T-bone steak. So it appears that my increased level of fitness is resulting in a seismic movement of sweat glands. I wonder where the sweat might eminate from after another few months? I hope it's not "there".

I suppose I will need some "special skills" for my new role as Plyometric man, what with all the jumping up and down off the bench.

However, Kristy had different ideas. She christened me with possibly the worst super hero name in the world. I hope "Lycra man" doesn't stick.

Current weight is 13 stones 13 pounds (195 pounds / 88.5 kg).


The Editor said...

Self-wicking Y-fronts, just ask Fergus.

The Editor said...

I see this blog hasn't been banned in China yet simply because the word ARSE is absent.

The Incredible Bulk said...

Thanks, The Editor, for getting my blog banned in China now. I think it might be OK, because you didn't combine "Tibet" with the word "Arse". (Note: Nothing against Tibet - see The Editor).


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