Tuesday 8 July 2008

OFF button override

My "off" button still doesn't work when I'm drunk, as I found out during last weekend's stag night out.

7 pints and a handful of whiskies in and I crumbled. My major weakness shot to the surface and I simply couldn't stop myself eating (and enjoying) the Empire biscuit that was enticingly displayed in the showcase desert fridge of Drummonds in Pitlochry. Quite why they chose to store and display a solitary Empire biscuit in such lavish refrigerated conditions is beyond me, but boy was I happy to see it. Even if I'd been rescued from 10 days and nights of Saharan thirst by finding an oasis of ice cold water, I couldn't have visibly expressed more emotion. I amused the staff so much with my drooling over said biscuit that they generously donated it, free of charge, to satisfy my craving and deliver my contentment.

Recounting this tale of falling off the wagon to "The Editor", he swiftly reminded me about a similar incident nearly one year ago to the day. The precursory lead in was very similar, namely heavy drinking followed by a sudden pang of hunger. Less than 2 minutes after wolfing down a king rib supper with extra smoked sausage single, I barged my way into the Pizza Emporium demanding a large spicy meat feast with extra cheese.

I believe that my stomach felt the same reaction to both incidents, but my sobered resolution couldn't have been more different this time around. Last year I lay down for most of the afternoon to recover, thinking more about what I'd have for tea that night as opposed to exhibiting any form of regret. This year I went on a 28 km hill walk, 16 km of which was jogging in and back out again.

Current weight is 13 stones 6 pounds (188 pounds / 85.3 kg).

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