Monday 21 July 2008

Triathlon Gold

It wasn't billed as the greatest race on earth. Still, the Club's mini Triathlon seemed like a good place to test my updated running skills against half a dozen non-serious mums and dads. During last week's training over the standard 5k course, my run time continued to amaze me. Even though I really thought I was running a positive split, the total time over the standard course is now 25 minutes 40 seconds.

Back to Sunday's outing; 400m swimming, followed by a 2 mile cycle and a 1 mile run only seems like a short training event now, but the race induced adrenaline fairly gets you motivated and pushes you to breathlessness.

I was out of the pool first and my nearest competitor was last seen gaining on me in the cycle. But he had completely disappeared during the run stage when I had expected to be caught and overtaken. I presumed it was to do with the enclosed course layout that I couldn't spot him. When I reached the finish line, I learned that he had fallen from the bike and dislocated his collar bone. Luckily, 6 weeks is destined to heal all.

Fortune had shone again, this week in the form of a Gold medal. Beijing it was not, but very exciting none the less!

Current weight is 13 stones 8 pounds (190 pounds / 86.2 kg).

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