Tuesday 15 April 2008

A return to the Scarsdale

This is the longest plateau I've reached yet in my weight loss mission so far. I'm down a few pounds in the last day or two, but I don't feel that my weight has really reduced since before the 28th March.

The funny thing is that the stagnation began when I started running outside. Coincidence? Or body shock?

I shouldn't be discussing times here, due to the increasing competitive streak that's emerging within me, but it may serve to worry my arch nemesis before the big day.

My first proper outdoor 5k was just over a week ago. It took 32 minutes and was completed entirely without walking. That proved to me that I wasn't going to die. And it also highlighted that I need to run faster. Last weekend I did 6.5k in 40 minutes, but that contained about 5 minutes of walking at various stages to prevent myself from brining up an undigested lunch. The last 16 minutes of that run were the most successful, covering 3k without any stops. That gives a 5k pace of 26 minutes 40 seconds. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow's repeated 5k in.

Due to the long period of weight stability, I'm going to give the Scarsdale another go, and it'll hopefully last more than the previous attempt's 3 days.

Current weight is 16 stones and 2 pounds (226 pounds / 102.5 kg).

1 comment:

The Editor said...

What you could be facing is the law of diminshing returns.


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