Friday, 18 April 2008

Landmark 4

This is a big one.

I've dropped from triple kg digits to only double. Psychologically, this is a big event and helps tremendously with the motivation to continue. I was despairing about the plateau, but Scarsdale kicked that to touch.

My BMI has also dropped into the 20s (29.8), which is down over 10 points since the weight loss began.

The running is also improving, but this is more due to the mental aspect as opposed to the physical.

The first 5k was 32 minutes flat.
The second 5k was 31 minutes 13 seconds.
The third 5k was 30 minutes 02 seconds.

Less than 6 weeks to go and I still haven't been on a bike!

Current weight is 15 stones and 10 pounds (220 pounds / 99.8 kg).


The Editor said...

You must be starving?

The Incredible Bulk said...

It's all in the mind.

Actually, Scarsdale provides a nutritionally balanced 700 or 800 calories a day.

I may be sneaking off it to have a pub tea tomorrow after the day out.


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